Curriculum Breakdown
Wilberlee Junior and Infant School Curriculum
In this section of our website you can find out all about the curriculum that we follow.
At the Heights Federation, we follow a creative text based curriculum whereby we give as much ownership to the children in their learning as possible.
We ensure that our children have a wide and enriching curriculum and are given as many opportunities to learn in a range of styles, settings and circumstances as possible.
Our Federation Curriculum Statement can be found here:
Federation Curriculum Statement
We have been developing our curriculum over the past term ready to start our new year. Have a look at the new topics being covered in each class this year:
RE Curriculum
Our Religious Education Theme and long term plan can be found here:
RE Long Term Plan
We also follow the Kirklees Guidance for teaching Religious Education. A link to the Kirklees RE Syllabus can be found by clicking here.
Our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural long term plans for each class and the themes we follow can be found here:
SMSC Class 1
If you require any further information on our Curriculum, please contact either the Federation Head Teacher, Claire Kenworthy, our Federation Deputy Head Teachers Mrs Amy Creamer or Miss Emma Walton.
For further information on our Literacy and Maths Curriculum, please see the separate website sections.