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Governing body

The following people make up our Federation Governing Body. They are made up of a range of people from our school and local communities. They are community, parent and staff governors as well as those coopted to the governing body after the Federation of three schools occurred.

Amanda Drennan, Kerry Wimpenny (Chair), Hillary Pape, Claire Kenworthy, Alison De Barkham (Vice Chair), Anna Collins, Alice Kleinman, Melvyn Ingleson, Emma Walton, Carolan Redfearn, Rebecca Begg


Governor Responsibilities

At the AGM in September 2020 we nominated school governors to have specific responsibiity:

Special Eductional Needs Governor - Anna Collins

Governor Training Contact - Emma Walton

Governor for Looked After Children - Alce Kleinman

Child Protection Governor - Alice Kleinman

Early Years Governor - Alison De Barkham

Wellbeing Governor - Kerry Wimpenny

Literacy Governor - Alison De-Barkham

Numeracy Governor - Rebecca Begg

Safeguarding Governor - Alice Kleinman

Health and Safety Governor - Hilary Pape

Assessment Data Governor - Alison De-Barkham

Committee Membership

Curriculum and Achievement Committee

Amanda Drennan, Anna Collins (Chair), Emma Walton, Alison De'Barkham, Rebecca Begg

Finance, Premises/Health and Safety Committee

Claire Kenworthy, Hilary Pape, Melvyn Ingleson (Chair), Alice Kleinman, Carolan Redfearn

Staffing Committee

All governors

Teacher Appraisal and Succession Planning Committee

Melvyn Ingleson, Kerry Wimpenny, Alison De Barkham

Appeals Committee

A group of governors will be selected from a pool of eligable and available governors across the Colne Valley Pyramid of Schools

Pupil and Staff Discipline

A group of governors will be selected from a pool of eligable and available governors across the Colne Valley Pyramid of Schools


Contact our governors

If you wish to contact a member of our governing body please address all emails to one of our office email addresses and your comments will be sent on to the appropriate member of the governing body:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]